If you have received a DUI in Ellensburg, give our office a call so that we can walk you through the steps. Our attorneys are local, located in Cle Elum and Yakima, which allows us to easily assist our clients in Yakima. This courthouse does not allow virtual appearances, so when the winter roads do not allow safe travel, we can be there for our clients.
Kittitas County is divided into Upper Kittitas in Cle Elum and Lower Kittitas in Ellensburg, each having its own courthouse and different judges. We have been providing clients with assistance in both courts for more than ten years.
Lower Kittitas District Court is a very different court to practice in. Many attorneys do not like to handle cases in this court due to its difficult procedures. While the procedures and local court rules are different than other courts, we are very familiar with the processes. Due to the number of cases we handle at this court, we know how to work within these rules and procedures for favorable results.