Call For a free consultation 509-899-5375

Criminal Defense

Criminal Defense

At Heritage Law Office, we represent clients charged with misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor cases in many locations in Eastern and Central Washington, including Kittitas, Benton, and Yakima counties.

If you are charged with a misdemeanor, the maximum amount of jail time is 90 days and the maximum fine is $1,000.00.  If you are charged with a gross misdemeanor, the maximum amount of jail time is 364 days and the maximum fine is $5,000.00.  You should know that these maximum fines do not include costs for probation, evaluations, classes, or other treatment you may be ordered to do as a result of being found guilty. 

Heritage Law Office represents clients on all misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor charges, including, but not limited to the following:

  • Driving under the Influence (DUI), Underage DUI, Physical Control DUI
  • Minor in Possession (MIP)
  • Driving While License Suspended (DWLS)
  • Reckless Driving, Reckless Endangerment, Racing
  • Negligent Driving 1st 
  • Theft
  • Hit & Run
  • Hunting Violations
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Assault, DV Assault, Violations of No Contact Orders
  • Probation Violations 

Contact Heritage Law Office Today

We serve clients in Kittitas, Benton, and Yakima Counties in Eastern and Central Washington.  For a free consultation, contact us at 509-899-5375 or by email.

Counties We Serve

We serve counties and cities throughout Washington State, including Kittitas, Benton, and Yakima. Contact Heritage Law Office for more information.
